Who we are?

The Hípica Base team is made up of:

Josep Closas Compte

Analyst and programmer since 1985, he combines an interest in technology with a passion for horses, psychology and teaching. Graduated in Psychology and Expert in Sports Coaching and High-Performance Psychology, his equestrian formation includes, among others, the studies of Professional Expert in Equestrian Tourism Management and Sports Technician in the Equestrian Disciplines of Resistance, Orienteering and Equestrian Tourism. He has also taken various courses and seminars on the psychology and behavior of the horse, as well as university extension courses on ethology and coaching. His professional experience in the equestrian world includes the organization of horseback riding, horse breeding and riding instructor at Cavalls Pintats and specialist equestrian teacher at the Joviat School in Manresa for several academic years. Josep is also the author of HERD, Human and Equine Relationships Diagnostic (https://www.herddiagnostic.com). As a psychologist, he offers other services through his website (https://www.josepclosas.com).



Andrea Closas Taberner

Degree in Physical Activity and Sport SciencesMaster in TeachingEquestrian Sports Technique, Higher Technique in Animation of Physical and Sports Activities (outdoor modality) and Technique in Conducting Physical Sports Activities in the Natural Environment. He has received training in horse handling and has participated in jumping and dressage clinics. He has practised both sports and recreational riding. Her professional experience in the world of horses began at the age of sixteen at the Poni Club Catalunya, first as a riding monitor and then as a riding instructor. She currently works as a specialist equestrian teacher and teacher of Sports Technicians at the Joviat School in Manresa. She is the person in charge of Hípica Base of the physical preparation of riders.



Other professionals

In addition, Hípica Base works with other specialists in the world of riding and is in constant contact with various professionals in the field of coaching, psychology, dressage and horse training. Where we do not reach, other professionals of our confidence can arrive.

Marengo, our mechanical horse

Marengo, our Equicizer, was designed for training. In 1982, jockey Frank Lovato Jr. built a wooden horse and springs thinking that he would help him in the rehabilitation of a badly fractured leg, after suffering an accident in a horse race. The support he received from other riders encouraged him to improve on the original design, making the Equicizer the product it is today.

We have added to the Equicizer a front screen that allows you to play videos recorded in subjective camera and specially designed training sessions. The combination of the Equicizer plus the screen allows many other aspects to be worked on, in addition to those for which the mechanical horse was initially intended.
